Becky Loves Alex <3
Stay with me.
posted on: Friday, Jul. 24, 2009 at 9:47 pm
I guess everyone's got problems. Right now, I can;t think about the future without anxiety chewing and screwing me up inside. Is it still important to think positively? Or is it completely out of my hands now, one way or another?

On an entirely unrelated note, it seems like it's happened again. Talk about a blast from the past. I guess I will always be left behind, the weird one that nobody remembers or has time for when they look back on things. Certainly, that's the way it seems.

The saddest thing of all is, I was so looking forward to that reunion. I honestly wanted to see everyone again.

Thank god for you. Because of you, I can throw lifeline after lifeline to everyone else. Because it;s you, and only you, that stops me from drowning.

Becky <3 Alex

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