Becky Loves Alex <3
As lifeless as my telephone.
posted on: Thursday, Jun. 14, 2007 at 8:11 pm
Hey! It's me!
'Rachel? Oh god - oh my god...'
'What is it? What's wrong?'
'I thought you were - well this sounds-'
Nah, tell me, what is it?
'I thought you were - I can't - I thought you were, well, dead.'
Oh, I am.
'You're what? Is this some kind of joke?'
What the hell? Why would I joke? I;m serious.
'Yeah, right. Dream on. How are you even talking to me if-'
Look, I just wanted to tell you to forget it, move on. Wasting your life over this, it's not solving anything.
'But I-'
I had a good life. We - we had good times, and I will always carry them with me. I love you. Don't destroy yourself over that.
Listen, I won't keep you. I know you have things to be doing. Have I had a funeral yet?
'Um, oh - yeah...'
How was it?
'It was alright. Hard.'
Yeah. Look, take care of yourself. Leave me behind, I'm not top priority anymore. Do something with your life, something to move on. Ask Annabelle out, she's had her eye on you for ages.
'But how am I supposed to just forget you?'
I have to go. I love you C-
'Rachel? Rachel! Oh, Rachel...'
Becky <3 Alex

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