Becky Loves Alex <3
Beginning, again.
posted on: Tuesday, Jan. 13, 2009 at 11:58 am
I want to start using this again, so I can remember how I felt. I've been keeping things to myself for too long.

I know that when I look back on the past half-year or so in the future, it will just be this blanket of happiness and love and it wasn't like that. There were a whole lot of issues that I didn't want to deal with and tried to deny, mainly to do with university. Thank god they have gone away now.

I know that you loved me throughout the whole of that, and love me still. I probably would have found a way to deal without you there, but then. You made it so much better. I am so much happier than I would have been alone. Would be, alone.

I knew we'd get through it.

Becky <3 Alex

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